After 4 week break, here come the very first One Piece 598 Spoiler Pics and Scripts. (All 22 pics inside). See them all now. One Piece Chapter 598 Spoiler Confirmed. Read now before it removed forever. Two years have pased since the War between Marine HQ and Whitebeard pirates took place. This is the Rusukaina island, north west of the Amazon Lily
???: Luffy!
Luffy: Yeah, I'm coming.
Narration: Two years have pased since the War between Marine HQ and Whitebeard pirates took place.
This is the Rusukaina island, north west of the Amazon Lily
Luffy: Time went so fast.... 2 years already, huh?
Marguerite: The Ship's ready! We can set sail any time!
Luffy: Yeah, thanks!
Luffy: Hey! Look carefully... these are my friends!
Lion: !!!
Hancock: Haha... impressive.
Sonia: He's become the boss of this island
Luffy: Because I became friends with them, I didn't get the chance to eat them! They look delicious...
Hancock: It's alright Luffy! I've got all your favorites loaded on the ship!
Don't you think someone so thoughtful would be perfect as your wife...?
Luffy: I'm not going to marry you! But thanks for the food!
Hancock: Oh, you're so awesome even when you're so cruel..!
Sonia: Rayleigh left half an year ago, so I'm sure he's waiting for you at Sabaody.
Luffy: Yeah, I finished all the basics in one year...
(at the animals) Looks like I'll be parting both you guys and this island now...
Luffy: Alright, let's go!
Luffy--big scar on his chest, long sleeves.
Zoro--scar on right eye, haramaki wrap is fine.
Nami--longer hair, bigger boobs
Usopp-beefed up with whiskers
Sanji--hair parts to opposite side
Chopper--new hat
Robin--can see her forehead
Brook--soul king?
Zoro's not in the chapter, so I don't know about the arm.
As for Chopper's hat, he's just wearing blue over his regular hat.
The rest, I'll leave it up to the usual spoiler providers.
One Piece Chapter 598 Spoiler Confirmed
Credits: Aohige
“Is this the grown-up Luffy!?” “Is the training over!?”
“The force coming from Luffy’s eyes, isn’t this the Color of Conquerer that Rayleigh showed!?”
As for the last note by Oda,
“Thanks to all, I was able to rest very well. Thank you for the great time I enjoyed.
My fuel tank is full now!! The New World Arc will be heading towards the end of the story of One Piece.
As I ponder about the new adventures, it’s so exciting I feel like I’m starting a new serial!
Please Llook forward to the adventures in the last sea “New World”!